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Ash Wednesday

*This year, we will be having a morning prayer walk and evening service for Ash Wednesday. Join us between 7-9 am for the prayer walk or 7 pm for the service!

Every year, Ash Wednesday calls us back to the paths from which we have strayed, refocusing our attention on both the way and the goal of our journey through life.

Ash Wednesday is an invitation to hear and respond to the Gospel one more time. It is the night when we consider again the words of Jesus: "The time promised by God has come at last!” he announced. “The Kingdom of God is near! Repent of your sins and believe the Good News!” Together, we turn our eyes towards Jerusalem and diligently, deliberately, move to the Cross and onward through death to the Hope of the Resurrection on Easter Sunday.

Between 7am-9am, we will be offering a guided, self-paced prayer walk (pastors will be present to administer the imposition of ashes and serve communion).

Or join us at 7pm for a traditional Ash Wednesday service with a full liturgy and a message by our own Jean Sbarra Jones, who will be sharing about her faith journey through her own artistic expressions.

*This service will not be live-streamed. Please attend in person!

Jean Sbarra Jones, "Flight", acrylic on panel, 30" x 40"

March 2

Youth Group

March 9

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