We’re glad you’re here!
We seek transformation through loving Jesus, serving neighbors, & celebrating life
We are young and old and in-between and some of us haven’t been born yet. We are Asian, Caucasian, Indian, German, Black, Latino, and from Oklahoma. We are empty nesters and newlyweds, professors and students, scientists and singers, doctors and young professionals, custodians and carpenters, creative types and the not-so-much.
We are social conservatives and social progressives, social activists and social workers, full-time parents and full-time kids. We are married, single, divorced, and it’s complicated. Some of us have loved Jesus for a long time and some of us are just getting to know him. But at the end of the day, we are drawn together by the love of Christ, the need for his grace, and a desire to live his mission in the world. Wherever you are on the journey, welcome aboard.
Sunday services at Anchor Bay Church are opportunites to gather, grow, give, and go - they are times to be anchored in what matters: Christ and his community, and then to be sent out into the world to love mercy and do justice (Micah 6:8).
The 10am service is about 70-80 minutes, with vibrant worship that points us to Jesus, prayer as a community, and thoughtful and practical teaching rooted in the Scriptures. Children are welcome in service and kids up to grade five are invited to participate in Kids Crew during the sermon. Stay after service for “Soulfood” - a time of refreshments and connection with others. We celebrate communion the first Sunday of every month.
Anytime there is a 5th Sunday in a month, we cancel our regular Sunday worship gathering and worship in a different way - by going out to serve with local ministry partners and non-profits, and be "Good News" to our community.
Traveling or sick? No need to miss the service! You can tune into our live-stream!
At Anchor Bay, we call ourselves a “Yes, And” Church. We are about personal spiritual transformation and biblical justice. We want to grow and we want to serve. We want to be changed by Christ personally and we want to change the world. There are plenty of ways to join in the work that God is doing in our community through serving on a church ministry, partnering with a local justice ministry, and growing in a Lifegroup. We hope you’ll drop anchor with us!
10 Dane Street
Beverly, MA 01915
Worship Service:
Sundays at 10am
(978) 922-4325
We are a part of the Covenant Church, a multiethnic denomination in the United States and Canada with ministries on five continents of the world. Founded in 1885 by Swedish immigrants, the Covenant values the Bible as the word of God and the gift of God’s grace, along with the ever-deepening spiritual life that comes through a faith with Jesus Christ, the importance of extending God’s love and compassion to a hurting world, and the strength that comes from unity within diversity. The Covenant strives to be “biblical, but not doctrinaire”; “traditional, but not rigid”; and “congregational, but not independent.”
Our church was also planted through the Highrock Network of Churches that envisioned locally-focused congregations throughout Greater Boston that serve and seek to build trust with their local communities and cities. This vision remains with us today as we seek to serve and build trust with the community on the North Shore.
Our mission as a local church is to welcome all people, especially those far from God or who’ve experienced hurt from the church, into a community where together we can walk the way of Jesus.
This posture of welcome calls us to be a community that graciously embraces diversity and difference.
Our goal is to build wells, not fences. To experience unity, not uniformity. Consistent with the tradition of Pietism that birthed our denomination, our unity as a people is rooted in a common experience of God’s grace and love in Christ, a commitment to put God’s self-revelation in Jesus as witnessed to in the Scriptures at the center of our lives, a dependence on Christ’s Spirit, and investment in Christ’s mission in the world.
This shared life in Christ allows us to recognize and transcend our theological differences, extending freedom to one another on controversial matters where we differ in biblical interpretation and the discernment of God’s will.
Jesus is the word of God, and we come to know him and his ways through the Scriptures as inspired by the Holy Spirit. We believe God can use the Scriptures to encounter us and transform us. At the center of every service is a reading of scripture followed by a message that seeks to ask questions, interpret, converse with, and apply the scripture, using it as a guide to illuminate our lives.
We study and discuss the scriptures further in Lifegroups (weekly small groups). We do all this with humility, acknowledging our limits as interpreters who need to keep growing in understanding with an appreciation for the perspective and insights of others.
Learn more about Centered-Set Theology.
We achieve unity-in-diversity by practicing what some have called the “third way” approach of Romans 14 and 15. When the early church community faced major disagreements on first-order moral issues that felt essential to their faith and ethnic identities, the apostle Paul called them to welcome one another, honoring their own consciences before God without judging others, while prioritizing love, inclusion, and unity over insisting my siblings in Christ see things the exact same way as me.
Our very capacity to love across such differences is part of our witness to the reconciling power of the gospel. Living out this “third way” practically means recognizing and trusting the work of the Holy Spirit in my faith siblings, relating to one another with humility and curiosity, and a commitment to treat one another with grace, love, and respect.
Because of our third way approach, members and leaders have all different takes on many significant, contemporary life issues, including sexuality. But this approach also means we welcome all persons into the life of our church, including LGBTQ+ persons and their families, offering Partnership (membership) and the sacraments.
We are committed to making space for one another and walking alongside all people – across differences in race, ethnic or national origin, age, gender identity, sexual orientation, physical or mental ability, economic status, education, marital status, and seasons of life – encouraging all to prayerfully seek the wisdom of the scriptures in following Jesus.
What does this look like? Click here to learn more.
Since our founding as a church, we have celebrated the leadership and contributions of women at every level. We’ve always had female pastors, preachers, worship leaders, and board members. We will encourage and support any woman or girl who senses a call from God to ministry. We believe Scripture teaches that God calls people to serve based on gifting, passion, and season - not based on gender. Click here to learn more about our denominational position.
As a “third way” community we make space for different convictions about how to interpret scripture’s call to baptism. We will baptize infants, and encourage parents to raise their children in the faith eventually seeking confirmation as a teen. We will also honor those who choose to dedicate their child, supporting those parents in raising their children in a life of faith until they come to a point later on where they freely respond to the call of baptism. In both cases, we seek to make a clear pathway for all children to respond to the call of faith and to be baptized by the church, celebrating the promises of Jesus to be their Savior.
Adults are welcomed to be baptized for the first time by total immersion during a church or special service. Those who have been baptized in the past but who would like to renew a commitment to their faith are invited to participate in a special confirmation ceremony to remember and recommit to their first baptism (but we believe their first baptism “counts” and will not require another baptism!)
Anytime there is a 5th Sunday in a month, we cancel our regular Sunday worship gathering and worship in a different way - by going out to serve with local ministry partners and non-profits, and be "Good News" to our community. Our hope is that these Sundays would be a connection point to the needs in our community that we can engage with beyond these Sunday mornings.