Lifegroup Curriculums & Book Studies
Our Lifegroups are intended to help us grow in our relationships with God, one another, our community, and ourselves. Below, you’ll find a variety of curriculums that will help groups do just that.
The default curriculum for most groups will be our weekly sermon-discussion questions to coincide with that week’s Sunday service. But groups are also welcome to take breaks from sermon discussions for a season to explore a particular topic of interest or growth. We also encourage groups to serve in a justice & compassion ministry together regularly, and one way to get started is by doing a study to get to know on a particular area of service you hope to engage in!
If you’d like more information on any of these curriculums, or have a great resource to add to this page, please reach out to lifegroups@anchorbaychurch.org.
If your group is interested in diving into one of the Justice or Christianity, Faith, and the Church curriculums, we would encourage you to first do one of the Spiritual Formation curriculums to get anchoring spiritual practices in place. The Justice and Christianity curriculums can sometimes bring up faith questions for folks, and we want there to be a personal and group container in place that can help them navigate their questions in a safe way. Creating spiritual formation group and individual practices prior to engaging with those discussions can offer that container.
If you would like to try a curriculum that is not listed here, please run it by our Lifegroups team or one of our pastors first!
Also, some of the resources listed below require book or curriculum purchases. If cost is a hardship for anyone in your group, please reach out to one of our pastors.
Studies In & About the Bible
Weekly Sermon Discussions
Every week, we offer sermon discussion questions to dive deeper into the sermons from the week. Check out our Messages Page weekly to see questions!
Inspired: Slaying Dragons, Walking On Water, & Loving the Bible Again
10-Week Study to accompany the book, Inspired by Rachel Held Evans - If the Bible isn’t a science book, instruction manual, or position paper, then what is it? Readers are invited to fall in love with Scripture all over again without checking their intellect - or their imaginations - at the door.
30-Day Study in the book of Philippians reminds us of the huge privilege we have in being found in Christ. The peace a living relationship with God brings, and the joy on offer even in the middle of hardships and trials. It is practical in how to obey and experience God’s peace.
6-Week Study on Paul’s letter to the Ephesians, which teaches that the Gospel makes way for a new multi-ethnic family of God, transforming how we live as a new humanity unified in love.
8-Week Study on the Book of Hebrews; Hebrews is an Old Testament book, sneakily embedded in a New Testament one, and shrouded in a bit of mystery. We don't know exactly who wrote it, or when, or where, or to whom. But we know unequivocally about whom it was written: Jesus.
Spiritual Formation
The Deeply Formed Life: Five Transformative Values to Root Us in the Way of Jesus
10-Week Study to accompany the book, The Deeply Formed Life by Rich Vallodas - The Deeply Formed Life is a powerful call to a holy pursuit away from the temptations of a shallow discipleship that encumber our generation. Vallodas masterfully weaves the experiences and disciplines of both personal and communal formation that inspire and empower us to a contemporary discipleship, which leads to spiritual health and flourishing.
Spiritual Pathways Group Activity
Workshop to Discover Ways You Connect with God - God doesn’t create people in cookie-cutter fashion. Each of us is unique. As a result, different kinds of experiences make us feel closer to God. Spiritual pathways help us identify the ways we most naturally connect with God. Learn more on our Sacred Pathways Page.
Daring Greatly: How the Courage to be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead
8-Week Study to accompany Daring Greatly by Brené Brown - Every day we experience the uncertainty, risks, and emotional exposure that define what it means to be vulnerable or to dare greatly. Based on twelve years of pioneering research, Brené Brown PhD, MSW, dispels the cultural myth that vulnerability is weakness and argues that it is, in truth, our most accurate measure of courage. Though this book isn’t explicitly Christian, this Lifegroup study points out biblical themes and Scripture studies to accompany the ideas.
Sacred Rhythms: Arranging Our Lives for Spiritual Formation
8-Week Study to accompany Sacred Rhythms by Ruth Haley Barton - Picking up on the monastic tradition of creating a "rule of life" that allows for regular space for the practice of the spiritual disciplines, this book takes you more deeply into understanding seven key disciplines along with practical ideas for weaving them into everyday life.
Good & Beautiful God Series
4 book series with discussion questions and spiritual formation practices to try. We all have ideas that we tell ourselves about God and how he works in our lives. Some are true―but many are false. James Bryan Smith believes those thoughts determine not only who we are, but how we live. In fact, Smith declares, the most important thing about a person is what they think about God. The path to spiritual transformation begins here.
Christianity, Faith, & the Church
”The Christian Story”
8-Week Video Series created by Scott Rice. Through ”The Christian Story” curriculum you’ll be introduced to an understanding of how the Bible, as a diverse collection of books and writings, hangs together so as to tell the story of God’s faithfulness, how it speaks to questions of belonging and solidarity, and how this story brings about transformation in our lives and in the world.
Faith Unraveled: How A Girl Who Knew All the Answers Learned to Ask Questions
21-Week Study to accompany the book, Faith Unraveled, Rachel Held Evans recounts struggling as her own faith unraveled one unexpected question at a time. In order for her faith to survive, it must adapt to change and evolve. Evans challenges you to disentangle your faith from false fundamentals and to trust in a God who is big enough to handle your tough questions.
The Very Good Gospel: How Everything Wrong Can Be Made Right
10-Week Study to accompany the book The Very Good Gospel by by Lisa Sharon Harper - Shalom is when all people are treated equitably and have enough. It’s when families are healed. It’s when churches, schools, and public policies protect human dignity. Shalom is when the image of God is recognized, protected, and cultivated in every single human. It is the vision God set forth in the Garden and the restoration God desires for every broken relationship. Shalom is the “very good” in the gospel.
The Pietist Option: Hope for the Renewal of Christianity
6-Week Study to accompany the book The Pietist Option by Christopher Gehrz and Mark Patti III. The church's call is to be the witness and agent of the Spirit's actions. The Pietist Option is to humbly choose to walk with Jesus and let him bring about transformation in ourselves, our churches, and through them, the world.
Disunity in Christ: Uncovering the Hidden Forces That Keep Us Apart
6-Week Discussion Guide to Accompany Disunity in Christ by Christena Cleveland, who keenly points out why Christians who have a heart for unity have such a hard time actually uniting, and offers wisdom on how we might begin to listen to and work with others who differ from us.
Jesus and John Wayne: How White Evangelicals Corrupted a Faith & Fractured a Nation
8-Week Study to accompany Jesus and John Wayne by Kristin Kobs Du Mez, a much-needed reexamination of perhaps the most influential subculture in this country. Jesus and John Wayne shows that, far from adhering to biblical principles, modern white evangelicals have utterly remade their faith, with enduring consequences for all Americans.
Biblical Justice
Justice Primer
8-Week Discussion Primer for groups interested in serving the community and getting started in local justice-work.
I’m Still Here: Black Dignity in a World Made for Whiteness
6-Week Video Series by Austin Channing Brown - From a leading voice on racial justice, an eye-opening account of growing up Black, Christian, and female that exposes how White America’s love affair with “diversity” so often falls short of its ideals.
Beyond Colorblind: Redeeming Our Ethnic Journey
4-Week Video Series to engage in each other’s ethnic stories and learn how our stories tie to different aspects God’s greater story – the gospel. We will be looking at the beauty, brokenness, redemption, and restoration of our ethnic journeys. Be transformed in how you see yourself as God’s image, and join God in redeeming and restoring his world.
Kingdom Mosaic Curriculum: Life Together Series
5-Week Series - A Bible Study written by the ECC focused on justice, racial righteousness, and the mosaic nature of the kingdom of God. The purpose of this series is to ground our pursuit of life together in the word of God as we grow from a denomination with multiethnic ministries into a multiethnic denomination.
The Making of Biblical Womanhood: How the Subjugation of Women Became Gospel Truth
8-Week Study Guide to accompany the book, The Making of Biblical Womanhood by Beth Allison Barr. Historian Beth Allison Barr traces cultural sources of patriarchy that have all but erased women's historical importance as leaders of the faith.
Sexual Violence Uncovered
4-Week Bible Study to help your Lifegroup or community start or continue conversations about sexual abuse and its prevalence and reverberating effects in our society and churches.
Welcoming the Stranger: Justice, Compassion, & Truth in the Immigration Debate
6-Week Video & Discussion Series created to help a small group of people move towards action as an expression of their Christian faith. It is an experiential opportunity -- a chance to explore one of the most complex issues of our day - immigration - from a biblical perspective and to live out the calling God has given his church.
Rethinking Incarceration: Advocating for Justice that Restores
9-Session Study to accompany the book, Rethinking Incarceration, by ECC leader, Dominique Guilliard. Dominique Gilliard identifies not one, but five, pipelines to prison, which contribute to the problem of American mass incarceration. He also discusses the involvement of Christians in prison ministry and policy. He explores the faulty notion that God’s justice is retributive rather than restorative.
To the Table: A Spirituality of Food, Farming, & Community
This 7-Week Study explores the growing farm-to-table movement and popularity of local farmers' markets, through which we are becoming more conscious of where our food originates. Author, Dr. Lisa Graham McMinn offers practical guidance on what it means to eat alone or in community with more intention, compassion, humility, and gratitude. End-of-chapter questions for individual and group use are included.
Demographic-Specific Studies
Family Discipleship
A 6-Week Online Course with practical tools for parents, grandparents, and family ministry teams based on Sarah Cowan Johnson’s book, Teach Your Children Well: A Step-by-Step Guide for Family Discipleship. If you would like to begin this study, contact one of our pastors to get you set up on the site!
Mutual by Design: A Better Model for Christian Marriage
This 9-Week Study is for those considering marriage, those already engaged, newlyweds, and any couple seeking to improve their relationship. Written for both individual couples or groups, chapters include discussion questions, exercises, and suggestions for further reading
SPICES: Boomers & Beyond
This 6-week Study is based on a framework for ministry to, with, and by boomers and older adults presented in Crescendo, an initiative of Make and Deepen Disciples within the Covenant Church (ECC).
Credits: These compiled resources include curriculums designed by other churches and ministries, including our planting church, Highrock, and our denomination, the Covenant Church. We are grateful to them for making these studies available!