Giving is a worshipful response to God
All life is in response to how God has already given and moved in our lives. Christ gave everything in order to free us so that we could truly live. And we respond with graciousness and hospitality, giving not because we have to, but because we get to.
This God who frees us is also the Creator and true owner of everything. We are simply God’s stewards, and are called to be intentionally mindful with how we steward God’s resources. Anchor Bay Church believes there are endless ways to give and therefore bless others.
God gives us tangible resources that we are to steward. Let us never forget that God owns 100% of everything; it’s God’s to begin with. If you’re looking for ways to give financially to ABC, here is how you can do that.
All donations are processed through our secure giving platform (Church Center). If it's your first time giving, there will be a couple questions you'll need to answer to establish your giving profile. This will allow you to give once, set up recurring gifts, and track your financial partnership with Anchor Bay. You will receive an email receipt upon confirmation of support.
Please Note: Credit/debit card fees are a bit steep, and unless you select to “cover fees” with your donation, Anchor Bay ends up paying those fees. If you can, please consider giving using the direct debit (ach) option.
Most banks offer the option to give through online bill payment or their app as a free service. You can use the following information to set up a one-time or recurring gift:
Biller Name: Anchor Bay Covenant Church of the North Shore
Biller Address: 10 Dane Street, Beverly, MA 01915
Phone Number: 978-922-4325
Account: General Fund
If you prefer to write a check or give cash, feel free to drop that in the offering on Sunday or mail your check to our office at the above address.
Text the amount you'd like to give to '84321'.
There will be a couple questions to answer your first time giving, but it takes only 45 seconds. Seriously!
If you have any more questions or need assistance setting up giving amounts through your bank, please email our Treasurer.
Time & Talents
There are only so many hours in a day. How is God leading you to use your time? If you’re looking for ways to give your time, check out our Ministries.
We believe God has gifted you in a unique and awesome way! We want to help you use your unique gifts and talents to serve God in the way you were wired to do so. Contact one of the pastors to talk through what that might look like or visit our Get Involved Page to join one of our ministry teams!