We are thankful for a spacious building that we hope will be a blessing to our Partners and community! Click below for rates and policies!

"The heavens, even the highest heaven, cannot contain you. How much less this temple I have built!" - 1 Kings 8:27

  • ABC Partners may use our facilities for private or professional events at no base charge (pending availability) with the expectation that they will care for the space and leave it better than they found it. When there is a conflict with the date a Partner has requested for personal use and the date a church ministry has requested, priority will go to the church ministry.

    While we do not charge for use of the space, Partners are responsible for a tech fee of $50 (if needed) and custodial fee of $50 per 4-hour rental for sanctuary and $25 for smaller rooms. These fees cover the cost of our hourly cleaning and tech staff being available outside of their usual work hours. If cost is a hardship, please email Pastor Ethan.

  • Rental rates are for a 4-hour minimum. In addition to the base cost listed below, renters are responsible for a tech fee of $50 (if needed) and custodial fee of $50 per 4-hour rental for the sanctuary and $25 for smaller rooms.

    • Sanctuary: $300.00

    • Dining Hall & Kitchen: $250

    • Fellowship Hall & Parlor: $250

    • Single Classroom (or Parlor): $50

    • Parking Lot (Evening & Weekend Rate): $250

    • Whole Church Building & Parking Lot: $1,000

  • Rental Rates:

    We will aim to provide space and utilities to ABC’s partner organizations at no charge, but may ask for a small contribution to custodial fees, depending on the organization’s use.


    All non-ABC groups requesting to use the space on a recurring, on-going basis must submit a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with a re-evaluation date to the Lead Pastor and the Pastor who oversees Facilities, not to exceed two years. This is so that we can mutually decide after the agreed upon time whether or not the arrangement is still working well for both the church and the partnering organization and make adjustments as needed.

  • Generally, we will only consider on-going space use requests by ABC Ministry teams and official ABC Partner organizations (click here to see those lists).

    On-going use requests by an ABC Partner for personal use must have a clear end date agreed upon by the staff.

    We will not be able to accommodate on-going facility use to outside groups unless there is a compelling ministry reason to do so, as well as a staff person or Partner with relationship to the group who will advocate that we offer space to them and be willing to serve as the liaison to the group and guide to the space, including being present for the duration of their building use.

  • All renters must abide by our:

    Adults working with children in our space must be CORI-checked by the church (even if CORI-checked by another organization).

    All outside renters and Partner Organizations must complete a Rental Agreement.

Ready to reserve the space? Great! Click here to put in a request or contact Pastor Ethan with questions.

