If you or someone in your family is struggling with pornography, we have compiled a list of resources to help. These recommendations come from local pastors and therapists that we trust. The Anchor Bay pastors don’t have personal experience with all of these organizations, so we can’t vouch for all of their theology or practices. Please reach out to any of our pastors if you have questions, or if you would like help discerning which resource might be the best choice for yourself or your family.
Pure Desire Ministries - local and online support and recovery groups, both for those struggling with porn use, and for their loved ones
The Nathan Project - a ministry providing hope, leadership, training and a place of recovery for men who struggle with the compulsive use of pornography and sexual addiction, the spouses and ex-spouses of these men and the families trapped in this menacing cycle of addiction.
Massachusetts Center for Adolescent Wellness - a program in Lynnfield that offers intensive out-patient programs and partial programs
Team 14 - a program for teens experiencing any kind of addiction (the website specifically sites substance abuse, but they do work with teens struggling with internet porn)
Living Truth - support for men who are struggling and their wives
XXX Church - Online Support Groups for People Seeking Sexual Integrity, Community, and Mental Well-being
Beggar’s Daughter - resources and support for women struggling with pornography
Fight for Love - Support for women whose husbands struggle with pornography
These clinics support those struggling, as well as their loved ones in Massachusetts - most offer telehealth and in-person therapy
Center for Sex & Love Addiction
Local therapists who specialize in internet addictions
Quenched: Discovering God's Abundant Grace for Women Struggling with Pornography and Sexual Shame by Jessica Harris
The Cry of the Soul: How Our Emotions Reveal Our Deepest Questions About God by Dan Allendar and Tremper Longman
The Sex Talk You Never Had by Phylicia Masonheimer
She Deserves Better: Raising Girls to Resist Toxic Teachings on Sex, Self, and Speaking Up by by Sheila Wray Gregoire, Rebecca Gregoire Lindenbach, & Joanna Sawatsky
Helpful Message for Women Struggling with Porn Addiction: Interview with Jessica Harris
Rosie Makinney | The Truth About Women Crushed by Porn in Their Relationships
Nick Stumbo | Discovering Freedom From Pornography
Joshua Broome | Porn Star to Pastor
Shelia Gregoire | Exposing Lies Christians Believe About Sex
Self-Inventory - to help identify if there are clinically addictive issues going on
Covenant Eyes - a site blocker to help those who are struggling with accountability on their web searches & free resources, podcasts, and articles for healing
Three Things I Wish Parents Understood About Their Kids & Porn - “I think if there’s one thing I think many people could agree on, it’s the fact that no young child should be exposed to pornography. In fact, the deliberate exposure of a child to sexual material is a form of child abuse.”
Mobile Crisis Intervention - mental health “911” that can do in-person or online mental health screenings and help guide toward next steps