"Practices for your Lenten Journey”
A Morning Retreat with Doug & Adele Calhoun
Saturday, February 24, 9-12
Fellowship Hall
$30 per participant*
You may be one of those who are wondering: “I didn’t grow up with any Lenten awareness, so what do I do in Lent?” Even as Jesus grappled with the temptations of the evil one in the wilderness, so we face particular triggers that would lead us away from Christ. Lent and this retreat are an opportunity to focus on our inner journey with Jesus and those things that routinely inhibit our growth. We will have a rhythm of a brief talk laying a biblical context for our journey, then a spiritual practice and individual silence, followed by short time of debrief in small groups. Pastors, authors, and ABC Partners, Doug and Adele Calhoun will be our guides for this journey.
*If cost is a hardship for you, please email brynn@anchorbaychurch.org for a scholarship*
Doug & Adele are both certified Enneagram trainer/test administrators for the Wagner Enneagram Personality Profiles Spectrum and have presented workshops in the US, Europe, and the Caribbean. They co-authored Spiritual Rhythms of the Enneagram: A Handbook for Harmony and Transformation with Clare and Scott Loughrige. Click below to learn more about each of them.
Adele has worked as a missionary, InterVarsity staff member, wife, mother, artist, spiritual director, college professor, author, icon writer, healing prayer minister, pilgrimage leader, & pastor.
She is a graduate of the University of Colorado & Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, and is adjunct faculty for Soul Care Institute and PAX Center for Spirituality. She has authored numerous books (The Spiritual Disciplines Handbook, True You, Women & Identity, & others) and regularly speaks at retreats & conferences. Adele’s passion is for people to move beyond religion to a connection with Jesus that unites both their head & their heart in service & love of others.
Doug is a graduate of Miami University (B.S) & Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary (M.Div. & D.Min. in Christian Spirituality). Doug’s ministry began with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship & then became ordained as a pastor, serving in a wide range of roles. During that time he ministered cross-culturally on 6 continents resourcing national churches & missionaries in spiritual formation. He is also a trained spiritual director.