“For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”
We don’t want to simply consume the good news, we want it to take such deep roots in us that it spills out all over the way we live and love and act in the world, that through God’s spirit in us we would become good news to everyone around us. So on Serve Sunday, Antioch Community Church, Pilgrim Church, and Anchor Bay Church are partnering together and going out into the community to serve our neighbors in the North Shore with the love of God!
Kids, we would love for you to serve with us! There are service projects we would love for you to be part of. Parents, we will be providing childcare for any children ages 3 and under at the church during Serve Sunday at 10 Dane St. Just indicate that you’ll be wanting childcare on the sign-up form.
Register soon to serve one of our partners on the morning of Sunday, 30th! After you sign-up, you'll receive more specific details related to the project you choose as needed.
Our project (Kid-Friendly): We will be serving our community and town of Gloucester as a whole by picking up trash and cleaning our streets and sidewalks!
How many people: Between 10 to 15 people
Time: Potluck brunch at 9:00, then heading out to pick up trash from 10:00-11:30am
Location: Meet at the Mirriam's home - 8 Arthur St, Gloucester, MA 10930 - for potluck brunch before heading over to Burnham's Field in Gloucester (75 Pleasant St, Gloucester, MA) to pick up trash and beautify the area! For the potluck brunch, feel free to bring whatever brunch food or drinks you like!
All supplies (trash bags, gloves, etc.) will be provided
About them: The Cornerstone Creative is an after-school youth mentorship woodworking and craftsmanship program that also works closely with youth from Straight Ahead Ministries, which serves incarcerated and post-incarcerated youth. They exist to be a place of safety, hope and learning. They strive to create a space where personal growth can take place by building something new, restoring something old, creating something from nothing, dreaming big and working hard - both internally and externally; physically and emotionally. Cornerstone Creative is also the organization that just built Anchor Bay’s new church sign, which we’ll be hanging outside soon!
Our project: We will be cleaning and organizing the woodshop that the youth at Cornerstone Creative use! We’ll divide tasks up within the group, but the big needs are sweeping, cleaning, sorting and organizing supplies/equipment, and a little bit of painting!
Supplies will be provided!
How many people: 6 to 10 people
Time: 9:00am-11:00am
Location: At Cornerstone Creative - 2 Beach Ct., Gloucester MA 01930
About them: The Cornerstone Creative is an after-school youth mentorship woodworking and craftsmanship program that also works closely with youth from Straight Ahead Ministries, which serves incarcerated and post-incarcerated youth. They exist to be a place of safety, hope and learning. They strive to create a space where personal growth can take place by building something new, restoring something old, creating something from nothing, dreaming big and working hard - both internally and externally; physically and emotionally. Cornerstone Creative is also the organization that just built Anchor Bay’s new church sign, which we’ll be hanging outside soon!
Our project (Kid-Friendly!): We will be writing encouraging notes to the youth that are learning and growing at Cornerstone Creative! There are 8 post-incarceration teenagers there that we’ll be writing to, specifically telling them that we care about them, that we’re cheering them on, and that they’re awesome.
Supplies will be provided!
How many people: 6 to 8 people
Time: 11:00am-12:30pm
Location: At Pilgrim Church - 300 Cabot Street, Beverly, MA 01915
About them: Ellis Square Friends serves people facing homelessness across the North Shore by providing clothing, food, and other resources to help them find homes and new opportunities.
Our project (Kid-Friendly!): We will be putting together snack bags for individuals who have barriers accessing food and those facing homelessness! We'll be assembling the bags as a team, and if you would also like to contribute by purchasing some supplies for the assembly as well, please email Pastor Ethan at ethan@anchorbaychurch.org for info!
How many people: 10 to 12 people
Time: 10:30am-12:30pm
Location: At Anchor Bay Church - 10 Dane Street, Beverly, MA 01915 - In the Fellowship Hall!
About them: Ellis Square Friends serves people facing homelessness across the North Shore by providing clothing, food, and other resources to help them find homes and new opportunities.
Our project: We will be organizing and sorting through clothing donations in a closet dedicated to Ellis Square Friends donations in Pilgrim Church! These clothing donations go to individuals and families facing homelessness in Salem and Beverly, and organizing the space makes it easier to assess what resources are there which helps distribute them to the people who need them!
How many people: 5 to 7 people
Time: 11:00am-12:30pm
Location: 300 Cabot St., Beverly, MA 01915 (Pilgrim Church)
About them: Ellis Square Friends serves people facing homelessness across the North Shore by providing clothing, food, and other resources to help them find homes and new opportunities.
Our project (Kid-Friendly!): We will be decorating lunch bags that Ellis Square Friends gives out to people facing homelessness and food insecurity! The decoration on the bags is a meaningful personal touch that shows the love of God to those who receive them, reminding them that they are seen and loved.
How many people: 8 to 12 people
Time: 9:00-11:00am
Location: At Anchor Bay Church - 10 Dane St., Beverly, MA 01915 - In the Fellowship Hall!
About them: Hope Mail sends free monthly, Christ-Centered mailings to men and women who are incarcerated.
Our project: We will be writing letters for local incarcerated people! This small gesture goes a long way in reminding them that they are not forgotten by God or by us, His Church.
"For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me...Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me." - Matthew 25:35-36, 40.
Supplies will be provided!
How many people: 10 to 15 people
Time: 9:00-11:00am
Location: At Antioch Church - 40 Woodland Ave., Beverly, MA 01915 (Ayers Ryal Side Elementary School)
Some kids might be a little too young to help weed gardens, organize clothing donations, or clean houses, so we’re looking for volunteers to be with our younger kids aged 3 and younger in the nursery during Serve Sunday!
All volunteers will be CORI checked (a background check) by Anchor Bay Church to ensure a safe space for our kids!
How many people: 2 people
Time: 9:00-11:00am
Location: 10 Dane St., Beverly, MA 01915 (Anchor Bay Church)
About River House Shelter: River House is a home for men that has formed in response to the chronic need for emergency-shelter services for homeless individuals in the greater Beverly and North Shore area.
Our project (Kid-friendly!): We will be putting together bags of donated items for the residents of the River House. We will then head to the River House to visit with and pray for residents.
Supplies will be provided! However, if you would like to bring any donations yourself, River House has said that they are in particular need of travel-sized toiletries!
How many people: 6 to 8 people
Time: 9:00-11:00am
Location: At Antioch Church - 40 Woodland Ave., Beverly, MA 01915 (Ayers Ryal Side Elementary School)
About SPUR: SPUR’s mission is to cultivate a Community of Doers through an array of multi-generational volunteer opportunities and youth enrichment programming. They are passionate about volunteerism and committed to making a tangible difference in the lives of both recipients and volunteers, while empowering our next generation of leaders.
Our project: We will be making 10 meals in Anchor Bay’s kitchen that will be served to people facing homelessness! These hot meals will go towards SPUR’s partnership with Lifebridge, bringing food to people facing homelessness and food insecurity!
All supplies will be provided, but we invite you to join us not only in assembling and cooking the meals on Sunday but also by giving financial support to help us buy all the ingredients! If you’re able to help, you can bring $15 dollars on Sunday morning when we assemble the meals together to help with the cost of groceries!
To register for this project, please CLICK HERE. Since we are using objects like knives and ovens for this project, we need to register through SPUR for liability reasons! You can find this project under Sunday, April 30th's offerings!
How many people: Between 10 to 15 people
Time: 9:00-11:00am
Location: At Anchor Bay Church - 10 Dane St., Beverly, MA 01915 - In the kitchen in the basement!