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Serve Weekend!

From [Christ] the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.
— Eph. 4:14-16

At Anchor Bay, we believe that we each have a role to play in the body of Christ. Serve Weekends are an opportunity to put that idea into practice. Every Serve Weekend, we cancel our regular worship services and worship in a different way - by practicing love for our neighbors with service projects all over the North Shore. We'd love for you to consider which service opportunity speaks to your heart, mind, and gifting and plug in there!

Kids, we would love for you to serve! Your hands, feet, brains, ideas, and creativity matter to God and to the community. 

Parents & Caregivers of kids under 3, we will be providing childcare for our littlest members in the nursery at Anchor Bay during our Sunday, 9am-11am projects. Just indicate that you'd like childcare when you're prompted in the registration.

Saturday Service Options:

  • Anchor Bay Health: provides free medical services to those across the North Shore who are uninsured, underinsured, or who lack access to health care.

    • The Opportunity: ABC Health is offering a free wellness clinic to our community! The clinic will offer simple health services, help with insurance, free haircuts, a free meal, and more. 

    • Time: Saturday, 3/29 from 10am-1pm (different shifts available!) 

    • Location: Anchor Bay Church

    You might love this project if you: 

    • Are a healthcare professional

    • Are a legal professional

    • Speak another language

    • Have a heart for the under-insured 

    • Love cooking

    • Love supporting those struggling with food insecurity

  • The Daily Table: Daily Table is a nonprofit grocery store in Salem dedicated to providing fresh, tasty, convenient, and nutritious food to our communities at prices everyone can afford. We believe that delicious and wholesome food should be available to all. 

    • The Opportunity: Help run the Daily Table for a morning! Participants will help with a variety of tasks such as restocking shelves, sweeping and cleaning, creating fun floor displays, preparing and organizing fresh produce, and most importantly, you'll be able to meet with the customers who come through the store, making meaningful connections and witnessing your impact firsthand!

      • Kids, ages 9+

    • Time: Saturday, 3/29, 10am-1pm

    • Location: Daily Table, 135 Lafayette St, Salem, MA 01970

    You might love this project if you: 

    • Believe healthy and tasty food should be available and affordable for all

    • Are a Salem resident

    • Like organizing or cleaning

    • Love hospitality and having fun  

    • Are a kid 

Sunday Service Options:

  • ODIS: Open Door Immigration Services is a local immigration clinic that loves and serves our immigrant neighbors by providing affordable immigration legal services and, together, opening the door to full community engagement.

    • The Opportunity: We will meet in the ODIS office, which is upstairs in the church. We will be going through files to put information in our new database. No computer skills required. Everything for success will be provided.

    • Time: Sunday, 9-11am 

    • Location: Anchor Bay Church - ODIS office, which is upstairs off the sanctuary balcony

    You might love this project if you: 

    • Have a heart for our immigrant neighbors

    • Are interested in learning more about the work of ODIS

  • Cornerstone Creative: An after-school youth mentorship woodworking and craftsmanship program that serves incarcerated and post-incarcerated youth. They exist to be a place of safety, hope and learning. They strive to create a space where personal growth can take place by building something new, restoring something old, creating something from nothing, dreaming big and working hard - both internally and externally; physically and emotionally. 

    • The Opportunity: We will be cleaning and organizing the woodshop that the youth at Cornerstone Creative use! We’ll divide tasks up within the group, but the big needs are sweeping, cleaning, sorting and organizing supplies/equipment, and a little bit of painting!

      • Kid Ages 12+

    • Time: March 30, 9-11am

    • Location: Cornerstone Creative - 2 Beach Ct., Gloucester MA 01930

    You might love this project if you: 

    • Love mentoring youth

    • Care about rehabilitation of incarcerated individuals 

    • Are a racial justice advocate

    • Enjoy woodworking or painting

  • Bertram: Situated in historic Salem, Bertram’s tight-knit community helps seniors enjoy the local area as well as an intimate atmosphere of care. 

    • The Opportunity: Many of the residents of Bertram come from a Christian religious background, but are no longer able to leave their home to be part of a church community. So we will bring a church community to them! If you are a musician, kid, or just love to sing, join into the fun by helping to sing songs with and visiting the residents. 

      • Kid Friendly!

    • Time: Sunday March 30, 10-11am

    • Location: Bertram House, 29 Washington Square, Salem, MA 01970 (Mall Street entrance)

    You might love this project if you: 

    • Are a musician or a music lover

    • Have a heart for the elderly  

    • Are a kid 

  • Arts Ministry: Art is a gift all by itself. It is first and foremost about helping people to practice seeing. We wanted to set apart time and space for people in our community (kids too!) to create for the sake of creating. Often our culture functions under the unhelpful illusion that art is only a commodity to be bought and sold, or used to raise money for the actually important stuff that people do. Art is about being engaged and being human. Sometimes the things that we make to help ourselves to see can serve someone else who needs to borrow our eyes and our hearts.

    • The Opportunity: The arts team will provide materials and art books, and some of us who make art professionally will be present and would love to help ignite creativity where it is needed. 

      • Kid Friendly!

    • Time: Sunday, 3/30, 9-11am

    • Location: Anchor Bay Church (Fellowship Hall) 

    You might love this project if you: 

    • Love the visual arts or writing, or want to explore your own God-given creativity

    • Are a kid 

  • SPUR: Food insecurity and houselessness is a growing issue in Beverly and Salem. SPUR helps by making meals to serve at the Lifebridge homeless shelter on a regular basis. 

    • The Opportunity: We will meet in the kitchen at ABC to cook a meal for the 25-30 residents of Lifebridge! The meal will be served for lunch a few hours later. 

      • Kid Friendly!

    • Time: Sunday, 3/30, 9am-11am

    • Location: Anchor Bay Church (Kitchen) - 10 Dane St., Beverly, MA 01915

    You might love this project if you: 

    • Have a heart for people who are struggling with food insecurity or houselessness 

    • Love to cook 

    • Live in Salem 

    • Are a kid, age 8+ 

  • Prayer, Care, Share: is a ministry of Anchor Bay Church that seeks to provide congregational care for those in our church no matter what season they are in through prayer, listening, and meeting tangible needs.

    • The Opportunity: Make a supply of homemade freezer meals for those in the church and community in need of extra care - whether it's foster families, new parents, individuals recovering from surgery, or anyone going through a challenging season. With love in every dish, we’ll remind our community that no one walks alone.

      • Kid Friendly!

    • Time: Sunday, March 30th, 12-2pm

    • Location: ABC Kitchen

    You might love this project if you love: 

    • Supporting foster families, new families, those going through illnesses or challenging seasons 

    • Cooking

    • Are a kid 

    • The Opportunity: Let's serve the city by being good stewards of creation and cleaning up trash! 

      • Kid-Friendly

    • Time: 9 -11 am

    • Location: Meet at Dane St Beach Parking Lot

    You might love this project if you:

    • have a heart for the environment

    • are family

    • love walking

    • The Opportunity: We'd love to have a team of people who can make sure everyone who is serving has what they need (snacks, coffee, water), welcome folks who didn't get the memo about Serve Sunday and help them plug into a project at the church, take photos to share later as we tell the stories of God's faithfulness. 

    • Time: Sunday, 3/30, 8:45am-11:15pm

    • Location: Anchor Bay Church

    You might love this project if you love: 

    • Welcoming others

    • Storytelling

    • The Opportunity: Some kids might be a little too little to help with our other projects, so we’re looking for volunteers to be with our younger kids aged 3 and younger in the nursery during Serve Sunday! This helps older siblings, parents, and caregivers serve our community in other ways. 

      • All volunteers will be CORI-checked (a background check) by Anchor Bay Church to ensure a safe space for our kids!

    • Time: Sunday, 3/30, 8:45am-11:15am

    • Location: Anchor Bay Church (Nursery) 

    You might love this project if you love: 

    • Kids & babies! 

  • New Brothers Fellowship: A ministry that exists to carry the Gospel of Jesus Christ into prison, make disciples of Jesus Christ, and to serve men and women upon their release from a correctional facility.

    • The Opportunity: Write letters to people who are incarcerated, sharing the hope, encouragement and love of Christ.

    • Time: March 30, 9-11 am

    • Location: TBD

    You might love this project if:

    • you like writing letters

    • love encouraging other people

    • care about rehabilitation of incarcerated individuals

  • Ayers Elementary School: A local elementary school in Beverly. They are dedicated to serving the families of Beverly by providing a safe and fun educational environment for all children.

    • The Opportunity: Help clean the outside grounds by picking up trash, raking leaves and more! If it rains, we will do cleaning projects inside the building.

    • Time: March 30, from 9-11 am

    • Location: Ayers Elementary School, 40 Woodland Avenue, Beverly

    You might love this project if you:

    • Enjoy yard work

    • Love being outside

    • Like to clean and organize

    • Care about our local schools

    • Have a child at Beverly Public Schools

  • Prayer walking is stepping out and praying for your community as you walk.  Prayer walking thrusts us out of our church buildings, forcing us to resist the temptation to stay inward-focused, stirring us to keep the mission front and center.  It engages all our senses as we cry out to God (from The Prayer Course).

    • The Opportunity: We will gather together in 2s and 3s and go to different parts of downtown Beverly to prayer walk.  We will invite the Holy Spirit to lead us in prayer for the businesses, homes, and individuals we encounter.  And we will listen for God's voice as we walk- how might God be calling us to serve our community now and in the future?

    • Time: Sunday, 3/30 11 am - 12:15 pm

    • Location: Meet at Pilgrim Church and then walk or drive to different parts of downtown Beverly.

    You might love this project if you:

    • Like to walk

    • Love to pray with others

    • Enjoy listening for God in nature and the community around us

Tuesday Service Options:

  • Anchored Hope: Anchored Hope is an emerging ministry at Anchor Bay Church whose mission is to create spaces of authentic community and belonging where young adults are anchored in hope, encouraged to ask questions, and encounter the transforming love of Jesus.  The name of this ministry comes from Hebrews 6:19 (NIV): “We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure.”

    • The Opportunity: Anchored Hope is a budding ministry that is still in its infancy. At this point, it is more of an idea than a ministry. Several members of the church have been discussing the idea of how to welcome and serve young adults in our area for a few months and would like to share what they have been learning and thinking about in a fun way! Come be part of the pre-launch of something new and exciting at Anchor Bay!

    • Time: Tuesday 4/1, 7-9pm

    • Location: Anchor Bay Church - The Parlor

    You might love this project if you: 

    • Enjoy eating dinner in community

    • Enjoy playing board games

    • Are any age and have some interest in integrating young adults into the life of the church 

    • Are a young adult (ages 21-29)

March 23

Youth Group

March 29

Anchor Bay Healthcare Clinic