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BIPOC Affinity Group Lunch

The BIPOC Affinity Group was birthed out of the Racial Justice Ministry. It is a place where BIPOC folks can share a meal and fellowship with one another.

The Anchor Bay Church BIPOC Affinity Group is meeting for its quarterly lunch on Sunday, August 18th from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm in the Dining Hall! This time, the event is a culture-themed potluck-style lunch. Please feel free to bring a drink, dish, or dessert to share that tells a story of your culture. This part is voluntary, so please bring whatever drink, dish, or dessert you like! We will have time for folks to share about the food they brought.

Please note: this event is only open to Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) folks in our church community. Thank you!

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